Avoid back pain: The most important rules for working

Many people spend a lot of their time in the office, sitting in front of the computer for long periods of time. In doing so, it can easily happen that posture is neglected, which can lead to back pain and posture problems. However, with a few simple rules, these complaints can be easily avoided and the back can be kept healthy. In the following guide, we have summarized the most important tips on the subject and show how back pain can be prevented and thus work more productively.

The right sitting position

The elementary basis for a healthy posture is an ergonomic sitting position. In a healthy sitting position, the feet are straight on the floor and the knees form a right angle. The back should have a natural S shape, and the shoulders should be relaxed. In addition, make sure the computer screen is positioned at eye level to avoid neck tension.

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Take regular breaks to exercise

Sitting for too long is a great strain on the back. Therefore, every opportunity to take a break and walk a few steps should be taken. Ideally, you should get up every 30 minutes, stretch and walk a few steps. This promotes blood circulation and also loosens the muscles in the process. A good and simple way to integrate standing into one’s daily work routine is to use a so-called standing desk, also known as a “standing desk”. This makes it easy to switch between sitting and standing while working, which provides variety and thus relieves strain on the back.

The 60-30-10 formula

The 60-30-10 formula is an effective way to take the strain off your back. This simple formula says to sit 60 percent of the time, stand 30 percent and walk or actively move 10 percent. This alternation relieves pressure on the spine and can prevent back pain. A standing desk is the ideal solution for integrating the 60-30-10 formula into the workday, as work can be done while standing or sitting. In combination with a treadmill under the desk, movement can even be integrated into the work.

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Use ergonomic work equipment

Another way to work in a way that is easy on the back is to use ergonomic work equipment. An ergonomic keyboard and mouse support a healthy hand posture and prevent tension. In addition, an ergonomic pad for the office chair or an ergonomic chair can relieve the spine. A height-adjustable desk, a form of the standing desk already mentioned, also makes it possible to switch between sitting and standing and thus adopt different postures.

Doing back training and compensatory sports

Finally, good back training is essential to prevent back pain. For this purpose, regular exercises to strengthen the back muscles should be incorporated into everyday life. These can be, for example, back stretches, trunk bends or yoga exercises. In addition, it is important to engage in compensatory sports such as swimming or cycling to regularly relieve the back and loosen the muscles.

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Back pain at work is an avoidable evil. A few simple rules can keep the back healthy and prevent complaints. An ergonomic sitting position, taking regular movement breaks and using a standing desk to alternate between sitting and standing can help. The 60-30-10 formula can also help find the right balance between sitting, standing and walking. Ergonomic work equipment and regular back training also support a healthy back. With all the rules and tips, however, it should always be remembered that prevention is the best way to avoid back pain and thus improve work performance.